Programming and Activities

Our campers participate in a wide variety of programs and activities while enrolled in our Mini Canes camp. Activities include arts and crafts, a carnival, color Olympics, an extravaganza, many special events, and swimming.


Arts and Crafts

Campers create beautiful art projects using a variety of art materials and techniques that become increasingly challenging as campers grow older and develop their art skills. Art project materials include working with fabric paint, glitter, clay, decorative sand, crayons and markers, puffy paint, watercolors, beads, lanyard strings, and more.

Art Shows

Campers display their art creations at the art show on the second Thursday of every camp session. Parents and guests are encouraged to visit the Herbert Wellness Center Atrium to see their child’s artwork.


The first Friday of every session is Carnival Day for our four youngest camper groups! Campers win tickets playing at various carnival booths like the the Frisbee toss, the duck pond, the Basketball shoot out, the Milk bottle throw, the Putt Putt station, the Dunk tank, and more. Tickets can be turned in to win carnival prizes, and campers can enjoy popcorn and snow cones.

Color Olympics

In addition to weekly sports skills challenges, on the last day of each camp session (the second Friday), campers are divided into color groups across all ages and compete in an Olympics challenge that tests their new sports skills. Campers have fun racing in obstacle courses and other interactive events where they accumulate points for their color team. The winning team is announced and award ribbons are presented at the close of Extravaganza later that day.


Each 2-week camp session closes with an extravaganza show performed by three of the six camper groups. Parents, family, and friends are invited to watch as costumed campers act, sing, and dance in a special theme show.

Special Events

For the safety and enjoyment of our campers, Mini Canes Recreational Sports Camp brings special events and visitors to the Herbert Wellness Center, rather than venturing out on field trips. The following are some examples of activities offered each session.


Campers may enjoy playing on a giant, inflatable slides.

Special Guests

Campers have a wide variety of guest speakers including mad scientists that demonstrate their wacky experiments, magicians, the fire and police departments, animal shows, and more!

Theme Days

Every Thursday at camp is a theme day! Campers get creative with wacky costumes on Crazy Hair Day, Pirate Day, Harry Potter Day, Super Hero Day, Crazy Hat Day, UM Spirit Day, and whatever else the camp staff brainstorms.


Mini Canes Recreational Sports Camp has daily swim lessons for all campers at various skill levels. The camper-to-instructor ratio is approximately 7 to 1. Swimmers receive a skills checklist and certificate at the end of each session. Swim lessons are conducted by Swim Kids.
